阅读是一种重要的学习技能。大量的阅读可以有效促进英语听、说、读、写能力的全面发展,它是学生学习英语的主要途径。大量的阅读对提高阅读速度、增加词汇量、扩大知识面也起着重要作用。 在考试中阅读理解的文章内容广泛,题材各异,所以掌握好阅读技巧对提高阅读速度和对文章的理解力都有着良好的促进作用。 1.快速阅读法 快速游览全文,了解全文大意,抓住文章每段的主旨即中心句,以便加快阅读速度。 2.扫描阅读法 快速找视整篇文章,根据题干的中心词在文章段落中寻找相应的词汇语句。然后再扩展至全文,大致了解文章内容。 3.精读法 掌握文章的情节、主要人物以及事件的起因、经过、结果,抓住文章每个信息点与问题间的联系,是高分析与逻辑判断能力。 4.重点突破阅读法 粗读文章后,在阅读过程中常有一些难懂的长句成为阅读的拦路虎,遇到这种情况,应该抓住重点关键词,把握句子之间的文法及逻辑关系,深刻理解长句的含义以及文章整体大意。
Passage 1 Popular First Names in the United States Passage 2 English People's Names Passage 3 Forms Passage 4 Morning Passage 5 Mr. and Mrs. Smith Passage 6 An Orange and a Gold Cup Passage 7 My Pen Pal Passage 8 Peter's Picture Passage 9 Lost and Found Passage 10 At the Barber's Shop Passage 11 In a Cinema Passage 12 A Clever Worker Passage 13 Mr. Going-to-do Passage 14 Part-Time DJ Passage 15 How Can You Believe Him? Passage 16 How Many Birds Will Be Left? Passage 17 Where Are You From? Passage 18 I'm Only Looking for the Footstep Passage 19 Another Dog Passage 20 The Poison Passage 21 American Families Passage 22 We Have the Same Mother Passage 23 Summer Jobs Passage 24 A Naughty Boy Passage 25 Mike Passage 26 Go to the Great Wall Passage 27 Our English Teacher Passage 28 The Grapes Are Sour! Passage 29 My Friend Passage 30 My Dear Passage 31 John and Ice Passage 32 My Bedroom Passage 33 Finding the Way Passage 34 Good Friends Passage 35 The Wrong Telephone Number Passage 36 My Favorite Country Passage 37 Da Bao Passage 38 Welcome to Franklin Hotel Passage 39 What Does John Say? Passage 40 Station Passage 41 A Toy Passage 42 Where Is My Cat? Passage 43 The Same Name Passage 44 My Family Is Very Poor Passage 45 The Same Clothes Passage 46 A Sentence with Five "And" Passage 47 Every Year Passage 48 Mr. Fun Passage 49 Apples Passage 50 A Happy Family Passage 51 A Barking Dog Does Not Bite Passage 52 Our Classroom Passage 53 What "Colour" Means in Spoken English Passage 54 Writing to Tom Passage 55 A Picture Passage 56 Tom and Tony Passage 57 It's Me Passage 58 My Life Passage 59 Spend the New Year Passage 60 A Ten-Year-Old Teacher Passage 61 Sleep Passage 62 The Clothes-Line Passage 63 Two Holes Passage 64 How Old Are You? Passage 65 The Twins' Bedroom Passage 66 The Eskimos Passage 67 Vehicles Passage 68 A Parrot Passage 69 What Are You Doing? Passage 70 Happy Time Passage 71 Air Passage 72 Mr. Brown and the Thief Passage 73 A Long Name Passage 74 Cleaning Passage 75 How Much Is the Moon? Passage 76 Lose Weight Passage 77 Sharks Passage 78 Can I Use It? Passage 79 She Is Looking for Me Passage 80 Go Shopping Passage 81 Cross the Roads Passage 82 Light and Shadow Passage 83 Plants Passage 84 Memory Passage 85 Learn English Passage 86 New York Passage 87 The Sun, the Moon, the Star Passage 88 I Can't See Them Passage 89 Moving Pictures Passage 90 Clever Students Passage 91 Turn Off Your C ellphone! Passage 92 Hide-and-Seek Passage 93 How Did Zoos Begin? Passage 94 What Are Stars Like? Passage 95 Half of the Cake Passage 96 Four Meals a Day Passage 97 False Teeth Passage 98 The First Computer Passage 99 An E-mail Keys 答案
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